Dance partyyy with Coding

Today Room 4 explored how to code using dance sequences! 

Thank you Whaea Naomi for coming in and teaching us some fun learning!

Touchpad Practice

Welcome to our blog,

Today we were learning about how we can be smart learners on our blogs. We were exploring different ways to use our touchpad to help us with our learning.

We were practicing highlighting words as well as making shapes. This helps us be more careful with our touchpad which will help us when we are creating different things or in our writing!


Thanks for reading, come back soon.

Room 1

Class Animation


Today we created Animation slides with Whaea Naomi. We were learning how to use the tools – shapes, lines and arrange. Today was exciting for Room 4 because we were able to make a pirate boat, clouds, and waves in our animation. We have also learnt how to use keyboard shortcuts to duplicate our slides and shapes. We are very lucky to have Whaea Naomi teaching us all the different tools we can use to make our learning FUN and CREATIVE!!

Great morning of Cybersmart learning

So much fun. Today we had our first Cybersmart session. We really enjoyed learning how to make our own poster to share with others a little bit about ourselves.

Miss Toland is our Cybersmart teacher and she made a poster to show us what she likes and to tell us a little bit about her. So we are excited to share our posters with her so she can learn more about us!


It was great to have some learners who already had some tools in their digital Kete so they were able to help others.


What is your favourite food? What would you put in your poster?


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Happy blogging!